Friday, February 15, 2008

Week 6, Syllabus

Mr. Ditzenberger-Economics
Lessons: Supply and Market Structures Time: Week 6, February 18th-22nd Unit: How Markets Work
1. Students will analyze and organize their team’s portfolios to demonstrate their understanding of diversification in a portfolio.
2. Students will read about modern examples of a supply chain and factors that can disrupt supply.
3. Students will create a demand and supply curve and mark a point of equilibrium.
4. Students will examine the factors that lead to falling prices of certain goods and rising prices for other goods.
5. Students will explore the basic principles of free competition.

1. Diversification lesson in computer lab-3rd floor.

1. Finish reading and discussing section 3.
2. Chapter 5 test-mna-2051 open book.

1. Read and discuss page 125 and 126a.
2. In groups of three, each person chooses two products and makes a demand curve for each product, they then pass the demand curve to another person on their team and they complete the graph by making a supply curve. The third person then charts and explains the point of equilibrium and makes a combined supply and demand schedule.
3. Read and discuss 126b, 127, and 128.
4. Homework: finish rest of the chapter for tomorrow. Do 1-7 (the entire section review/assessment) for homework).

5. LTE Quiz-(70-84) on Friday.

1. Senior Pictures?
2. Section 2-read pages 133, 134, and 135a.
3. Read and discuss WSJ article on falling prices for some products, rising for others.
4. Read 135b-137. Read: Read it and Wiip: Nintendo Wii still a hard find (unit 2)
5. Section 3 for homework.

1. Arm Wrestling Competition simulation (10 min)
a. everyone can participate.
b. many consumers-most of the class pays a dollar to watch.
c. everyone who enters must also pay a dollar.
What are some things that we could do/could have done to make this more competitive? Less competitive?
2. Agree/Disagree Chart-Competition. (5 min)
3. Read section 1. (15 min) and discuss. Complete Agree/Disagree again with new knowledge. (15 min)
4. Begin reading Section 2. Finish for homework. Section 2 quiz tomorrow. mna-2076

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