Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Classroom Policies

Economics-Classroom Policies

Congratulations, one semester to go! 19 weeks (depends how you count), 89 days, some hard work, learning some important concepts relating to Economics, and lots and lots of fun (we hope).

Structure of the Class
You know how things work from my American Government class. Basically, do you homework, study for tests using the review, participate in class, turn in your quarterly project (to be announced) and all will be well with your grade. This class is different from AG in that we will take fewer notes and have fewer lectures, but we will be in the textbook more frequently. However, homework from the textbook should not be much more frequent than the AG class (maybe less). You will, however, have more quizzes from readings, including readings from a supplementary book, Learning to Earn. This will be passed out today.

A syllabus will be provided on my blog and next to my door each week that will give a plan (plans can and often change) of what will be covered. I will try to write homework on the board, but the syllabus can also be used to ensure that you have the homework assignment. The syllabus should be posted outside of my room so that you can have access to it even when the door is locked or another class is in session. I will also try to use my social studies blog to post the syllabus so that you can access information wherever you have an internet connection. The blog’s address is Important for Parents: grades will also be periodically posted on this blog.

All assignments are to be done independently unless otherwise noted. Independently means that you do not have help on the assignment. When you submit an assignment to me, I am evaluating what your understanding of the material is, not what someone else has contributed. I am concerned with my ability and competency to teach you and your effectiveness to learn. Independent work helps me to assess both of these elements. There will be plenty of chances for group work-both inside and outside of the class.

Assignments must be turned in at the beginning of class unless otherwise directed by me. If you are absent, please mark absent on the assignment so I know that the work should not be counted late. It is the student’s responsibility to get updates on what has been missed.

Participation points will be given at different times throughout the semester. Students can participate by listening in class, asking questions, discussing when appropriate, affirming other students, working hard in a small group/cooperative learning setting, etc. You’ll get full credit for participation points if you arrive to class everyday and are engaged. If you have more than two excused absences a week, you will not receive a grade at all (different than a zero) and your absence will not be counted against you.

Expect one significant assignment a quarter. This may be a project, a paper, a group assignment that involves multiple steps, or a presentation. The point of these more significant assignments is for you to pursue learning at a deeper level while integrating a variety of skills (i.e., research, writing, public speaking, etc.) into the learning process.

Please submit all assignments or tests with your given and family name on the first line, followed by the course title on the second line, and the date on the third line.

Name Jeff Corson
Class Economics
Date in Proper Form 14/1/2008 or 14-1-08

General Rules-beyond the rules stated in the handbook
-Water is allowed in the class as long as it is in a closed water bottle. No other drinks are permitted.
-Respecting others demonstrates that we are made in God’s image and therefore are valuable to God. Disrespecting others demeans them and does not honor God’s image that he has given them. Debate and discussion are an essential part in learning the material for this class, but interaction with ideas and the people who hold them should always be done respectfully. Let’s create a accepting, affirming atmosphere in which we can all (including me) can learn.
-Leaving the class to use the restroom is acceptable, but you need to ask just so that you can leave at a good time. Often there may be a good time in the coming few minutes. If I expect students are leaving the room for other reasons, I will change this rule to fit the class.
-Extra credit is not generally offered. However, if there are extenuating circumstances, I may allow students to complete additional assignments as a substitute for learning that was missed when the situation is extreme and beyond the student’s control.

ICS’s Grading Scale:
A+ 98-100% , A 94-97% , A- 92-93%, B+ 88-91% , B 84-87% , B- 82-83% , C+ 78-81%, C 74-77% , C- 72-73% , D 65-71% , F Below 65%.

Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns:

Please return this within the first week of class for 5 points credit.

I have read and understood the Classroom policies of Mr. Ditzenberger’s Economics class.

_______________________________________ Signature of Parent or Guardian _______________Date

_______________________________________ Signature of Student _______________Date

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